4 Things To Remember Before Starting A Whole New Life

Last weekend, my friends Randy and Merissa finally got married. They have been together for almost 6 years and like any other relationship that lasted that long and survived, they have been through a lot of ups and downs. Actually, this was their 2nd time to plan the wedding. They were supposed to tie the knot last year, but since there was a death on Merissa’s side of the family, they had to postpone everything.

A few months ago, while they were planning the wedding, Randy and his siblings had a really big argument. I didn’t know what it was about exactly, but it definitely had something to do with Randy’s siblings having some issues with Merissa. They didn’t approve of her so they threatened him that they, together with their other friends and other members of the family, would not give their blessings and help out with the all the wedding preparations.

Randy and Merissa knew that it was going to be really hard for them to do everything by themselves. They even thought of calling it off for good. However, I think that their love was greater than the challenges that came their way, so they still decided to push through with the wedding but this time, it was just going to be a simple one.

The tension in the crowd on the day of their wedding was high because of all the family drama that was going on. I think that deep down inside Randy and Merissa’s hearts, they somehow wanted the people who chose to abandon them at the time that they needed them the most, to still show up, fix whatever that needed to be fixed and move on.

Towards the end of the ceremony, while the couple was saying their vows, Randy’s siblings and some of their friends arrived and joined the rest of the crowd. When the couple noticed their “unexpected” guests, they both smiled sincerely and cried a river. And yes, it was like a TV show, and I hate to say this, but I was crying right along with them. In my mind, that was one of the best ways to start a new life – with love and forgiveness in their hearts.

So, whether you are moving to a new place or a new country, or switching careers or embarking on a totally unfamiliar journey, here are some things that you never forget.

Never Forget Who You Really Are

One of the most exciting parts of starting a new life is meeting new people and the possibility of finding your true love. But no matter where your journey takes you, it’s important to always be true to yourself. You may change your priorities, take risks, or create new relationships, but never put up a front that is not you.

Be yourself so that you can attract the right people. Also, it is not healthy to start a new life that is based on a lie or dishonesty.

Pay Serious Attention to Your Finances

Most often when people think that they’ve figured out how to live, they make some drastic decision like switching careers without really considering its implications on their responsibilities and finances.

Ladies, before choosing a new career path, make sure that you will be able to afford your new life and that it will not interfere with your financial security.

Writer Helena Negru suggests doing these 3 things before accepting a new job.

Your Unhealthy Lifestyle Will Come Back & Bite You In The Butt

Whatever transformation you want to make in your life, don’t forget to always make health your highest priority. Eat right, stay active and avoid bad habits like smoking before it becomes stronger than you.

A few of my resolutions in 2016 were to follow a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, make healthier choices with the food I ate, and avoid reaching for the medicine cabinet every time I’m not feeling well. I truly believe that it’s always best to go natural when it comes to treating minor maladies.

Empower Yourself With Behavior That You Wish To See In the World

Most of the time, people want an easy way out of their troubles so they settle for what is fast and convenient for them even if the outcome is just temporary. So, they try to escape, go far away, create a whole new world for themselves and forget about their pain, mistakes, stress and drama. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy, especially when you have unfinished business or unresolved issues.

Ladies, sometimes you don’t have to walk away completely from your life and start over to have some peace in your world. Sometimes, all you have to do is reflect back on your experiences, allow them to redirect your life and adjust your behavior accordingly.

Using your direct experiences with pain, failures, and regrets to empower your world, instead of using them as reasons to walk away from it all will help you realize that your life is pretty great and that it’s not really necessary to move far away to feel fine.

4 Things To Remember Before Starting A Whole New Life.

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