4 Things To Do This Coming Year
Three more weeks to go ladies and it’s finally the end of the year! I don’t know about you, but I’m still kind of traditional in the sense that I take a moment to sit down and write a list of the changes that I want to make in my life in the new year.
In January of this year, I started making a commitment to exercise regularly. Though I wasn’t that consistent, I am still proud of myself for having maintained a good, healthy weight and shape all throughout the year.
This coming year, aside from my health and financial goals, I would like to work on my social media habits. Recently, I noticed that some Facebook posts about politics are really affecting my mood and my productivity. Also, Instagram has been keeping me up at night and ruining my sleep time.
And just in case YOU don’t have any ideas yet as to what you want to improve this coming year, here are some of my suggestions to help you change your life for the better.
Practice Kindness
You don’t always have to fight back, you don’t always need to prove that you’re right and you don’t always have to be mean to speak your mind or get yourself understood. There are other ways to win your battles without being stubborn and rude. Sometimes, you just have to try to be a little kind and humble to block your demons out and create some peace of mind.
In the piece “The 7 Ingredients Of a Healthy Relationship,” Dr. Ralph Ryback explains how kindness can help put things into perspective, especially in times of stress and despair.
I know it’s not that easy to be kind, especially if you feel that life has been a little cruel to you. Also, there’s no guarantee that if you show kindness to others that they will show you the same level of politeness in return. But all I know is that the world is already a horrible place and you can’t make it better by doing more terrible things.
So, start caring about people. Start helping others around you without expecting anything in return. Avoid saying or doing harsh things that you’ll later regret. Smile more often and try to find forgiveness in your heart for those people who have wronged you because your little acts of kindness can create a big difference in the world.
Change Your Buying Mentality
One of the worst things that could ever happen to you is going totally broke. With no money to afford even your basic needs, you will lose control of your life. You will be forced to stay in a horrible job, you will be unhealthy, and eventually you will lose all your self-esteem. Been there, done that and I would never want to be in that nightmare ever again.
For you to avoid the same fate, I strongly suggest that you start making meaningful improvements to your finances immediately. Be more conscious of your spending, break bad habits that stop you form saving money, pay off your debts, and soon you will start feeling financially healthy.
Writer Julia Dellitt suggests trying these 5 strategies to allow your dollars to add up in a more realistic way over time.
You could really save a couple of hundred dollars just by not buying coffee every morning on your way to work. Instead of spending $2-6 a day, just buy a to-go mug, make your coffee home and carry it to the office with you, or just buy instant coffee packets.
Make a Conscious Effort to Stay In Shape
Prioritize your well being. Fight stress by following an active and healthy lifestyle. Be patient with yourself because change doesn’t happen overnight. Start small and don’t burn yourself. Chart your progress so that you would know how much closer you have come to reaching your goals.
To help you get in shape, writer Julie Peirano shares these 7 changes you need to make immediately.
I love walking, so the 1-Mile Rule works for me. Instead of driving myself to the grocery on weekends, I just put on my sneakers and walk. That way, I burn at least 200 calories and save extra money on gas.
Spend More Time Alone With Yourself
This doesn’t mean that you have to be anti-social. Finding solitude is a great way to create balance in your life despite the noises, distractions, and the busyness of the world. Some quiet time alone with yourself can help you work through your problems effectively. It allows you to revitalize your mind and body and give you opportunity to discover yourself more.
According to writer Miranda Hill, spending time alone is about acceptance of your reality. It’s about being your truest self. You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. You don’t have to hide any emotions. You don’t have to think of your insecurities because there will be no one around you to judge you or expect anything from you. It’s your moment to be free so own it.