Sales Skills: Changing With The Times

Great salespeople who choose face-to-face selling as a career enjoy the personal interaction with their customers. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been isolating from others to keep ourselves and others healthy. Now the restrictions are changing. Some companies are opening again; others are not. Nevertheless, all of our customers and prospects have wants and needs to be met. So how are we changing with the times to meet their expectations?

Great Salespeople are expert at dealing with disruption in sales
Rise To The Challenge Of Dealing With Disruption In Sales
Image by Vektor Kunst from Pixabay

We Are All Different

Our customers will react to the relaxing of social isolation requirements differently. Some will continue to be very cautious choosing to continue working from home. These folks may be worried about getting sick. Or they may have need to be home because childcare isn’t available. There will be those who are comfortable venturing out into the “new normal” workplace. They will wear masks, observe social distancing, and be conscious of rules of safe behavior. Others will appear fearless and act as if the pandemic is over. You can recognize these folks by their behavior. They appear unconcerned for you or anyone else. Great salespeople need to understand each of these types and decide how to interact with them. What is your comfort level of human interaction during these changing times?

Businesses Are Changing

The pandemic has changed how businesses do what they do. Some have recognized the value of working from home. Some are opening with new workplace rules. Some are re-branding themselves to meet new market needs. The pandemic has created a new business environment. Your customers and prospects are figuring out how they now fit in this “new normal.” How have the expectations, needs and wants of your customers and prospects changed?

Sales Fundamentals Are The Same

Great salespeople know the key to winning and keeping good customers is to focus on their unique needs. We may apply sales skills differently now: Some selling virtually, some safely meeting in person. But the key is to identify the prospect’s pain. Then following a proven sales process convincing them to buy from you. We know from experience to treat each prospect individually. By making them feel special we build loyalty. So first seek to know the person. Then understand how the pandemic has affected them. Are you changing your selling style based on the prospect’s needs?

Professional Salespeople Change, Too

Great salespeople have always recognized change. They have remade themselves as times change. New technology has changed how we communicate. Society has evolved creating new wants and needs. Some salespeople will now be at ease meeting in person. Others will be more cautious. Maybe you found success using electronic conferencing. Perhaps your customers prefer meeting online. Possibly some customers have gone out of business. Or others are booming. Buying is more automated. Buyers have different needs. Personal selling is less important. Or more important. How have you changed to meet the changing business environment?

What You Can Do Right Now About Changing With The Times

  • Survey your customers to see how they are reacting to the changing times
  • Determine a strategy for each customer to meet their changing needs
  • Take an inventory of your skills to see what needs improvement to prosper in these changing times.

To learn more sales secrets see Chapter Seven, Understanding Buyer Behavior, in Secrets of the Softer Side of Selling. For even more sales encouragement, join our FREE Sales Club! “See” you next week.

Good selling!
Don Crawford


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