Sales Skill: Achieving Goals
As great salespeople we are all achieving goals. How do we go about it? We focus on the most important task at the time. That important task is determined by the immediate goals we have for achieving the long-term goals. So we plan goal achieving activities. Next we perform them. Then we check to see whether we are achieving goals.
![Great Salespeople Plan, Do, Check, Act](
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Achieving Goals Starts With A Vision
Pick a future time: 3 years, 5 years, 10 years. Where do you want to be personally and professionally then? This “vision” you have for the future is the basis for setting your goals. Great salespeople know goals must be realistic and measurable. You may want to double your sales in 3 years. If so you can measure current sales volume against previous to see the growth. If the market size is adequate for achieving your goal then it is realistic. As long as you know how to do it.
Achieving Goals Is A Process
Think about how you get what you want. As a kid I wanted a new bike (the vision). So I asked my parents what I would have to do to earn a new bike (the plan). They gave me a list of chores to do (the tasks). When each task was done, I checked it off the list (keeping score). And I made sure I did each task when it needed to be done (time management). This fundamental process can be used for goal achieving no matter the complexity of the goal. Great salespeople are expert at each phase of the goal achieving process.
Start At The Beginning
The vision is easy for most of us. So just write it down in as much detail as you can. Some experts say using all five senses to describe the vision creates the drive to achieve it. But no vision ever came to pass without a plan. Write all the steps you need to do each day, each week, each month, each quarter and each year to make the vision come true. Review the plan to see is working and revise when necessary. For most salespeople scheduling the time for a comprehensive quarterly review of the plan helps keep them on track.
What You Do Creates The Outcome
Planning is important but doing the tasks to achieve the plan makes the vision come true. Great salespeople have the tools required to perform the tasks well. They are students of selling, refining their skills and learning new ones. The best salespeople have peer support and mentors who help them grow. And they are diligent in evaluating their own performance. Great salespeople measure their performance on all the activities. Their peers hold them accountable for doing the work. When salespeople fall short they take this feedback and make changes.
Really, It’s As Easy As Managing Your Time
Great salespeople reach their goals because they are passionate about controlling their time. They understand the calendar is the best tool for making sure all the priority tasks get done. Every task is given time on the calendar. Prospecting, meeting with clients, follow up, skill improvement all planned out. Salespeople who realize they have limited time and energy make every moment count. To be protective of their time, great salespeople avoid distractions. When asked for help, they may respond: “I don’t have time on my calendar right now. Let me see when we can meet.” A firm but friendly put off. Great salespeople are clear on their personal values and goals.
What You Can Do Right Now For Achieving Goals
- Decide what you want to be or do. (The Vision)
- Determine what it will take to make it come true. (Goals and Plan)
- Dedicate yourself to doing what’s necessary to achieve it. (Activities and Time Management)
To learn more sales secrets see Chapter Eighteen, Setting Your Goals, in Secrets of the Softer Side of Selling. For even more sales encouragement, join our FREE Sales Club! “See” you next week.
Good selling!
Don Crawford