
Prospecting for customers cam be more profitable than prospecting for gold!
Prospecting for customers is like prospecting for gold!

Are You a Great Prospector?

Prospecting superstars don’t have some secret formula. And they don’t leave sales up to chance. They put effort into what they do. They give it their best try and they do a lot of things right.

Here are some of the things they do:

  • They willingly give referrals.
  • They always get referrals.
  • They settle for no one but the decisionmaker.
  • They confront stalls and put-offs head on.
  • They grab the prospect’s attention in the first few seconds of the telephone call.
  • They make a lot of calls.
  • They have a high tolerance for rejection.
  • Their prospecting antenna is always up.

Great prospectors are constantly working on their behavior, attitude and technique.

How Good Are You?

Look at the list above and rate yourself: 5 points if you are expert at a task 1 point if you never do it. 35 to 40 points? I’ll bet you are a superstar. Less than 35 points? Look at the weakest ones for you and practice them one by one until you are expert at each one.

All successful sales begin by identifying good prospects. Who is your best prospect? Get prospecting!

For even more sales help, join our FREE Sales Club! “See” you next week.

Good selling!
Don Crawford & Lois Carter Crawford








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