4 Smart Life Choices to Make this Year

Are you looking at the year ahead and already feeling defeated? Then maybe it’s time to make a change. Check out these four tips for making better life choices this year.

4 Smart life choices to make this year

#1 – Choose to invest in yourself

Leaders are lifelong learners – they are constantly learning new skills. Whether you want to learn a new hobby or advance a certification, learning a new skill will cause you to grow.

If you’re stuck on what to learn, check out this list of over 100 different choices to pick from. You’ll find everything from language learning apps to photography and drawing master classes.

How will you invest in yourself this year?

#2 – Choose to get healthy

So by now, you have probably tried a few different things to get in shape. If things did not go quite as planned, then I would suggest focusing on one area at a time and going all-in on it.

A good starting point for many people is improving your eating habits. You may want to start with small changes, which is a smart thing to do. Small changes may not feel like they’ll make a huge difference, but it’s much easier to stay consistent with them. Over the next few months, those small choices will add up to great results!

If you’d like to improve your fitness, try a new workout! You can go to the gym, the park, or your own living room – wherever you’re most comfortable. Here are some fun options to consider:

  • If you’re short on time or like a high-intensity workout, consider trying HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). This option isn’t for everyone, but it is effective!
  • Use a prop! Using various objects to change up your workout can have a huge benefit, both on the effectiveness of your workout and your motivation.
  • No time (or budget) for classes at the gym? Now you can find workout classes online – and you can do them whenever it works best for you. One instructor you may want to check out is Casey with Blogilates.

Here’s just one of her workouts:

#3 – Choose to Control Your Money

I know how easy it is to get into debt and spend way beyond your means. When I was younger, I took the student loan route with school and used credit cards for everything else. Working three jobs, two as an intern, did virtually nothing to help pay off the bills.

It wasn’t until recently, over ten years later, that I have started to wrangle in the massive debt I accumulated. That’s why I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to take hold of your financial situation as early and often as possible.

Let’s start somewhere easy, like grocery shopping. In her slideshow about the six myths of the supermarket, author Nancy Mann Jackson outlines some great ways to Stop Spending So Much On Food.

For instance, myth number two addresses the fact that most grocery stores charge more for bulk items, making the smaller versions cost less per unit.

“Some stores have shelf tags that show the cost per unit or cost per ounce. If your store doesn’t, you can use your phone’s calculator app to quickly figure out the cost per unit or ounce….Then choose the size that gives you the most product for your money.”

Another good article to check out is How to Make a Grocery Price Book to Save at the Supermarket.

And for those of you who need a little budgeting help when it comes to dressing for success, then How to Build a Fabulous Wardrobe on a Budget is for you.

The money makeover doesn’t stop there. In her book 30 Days to Taming Your Finances: What to Do (and Not Do) to Better Manage Your Money Deborah Smith Pegues weaves a clear picture of what to do and what not to do when it comes to your money.

#4 – Choose to strengthen your relationships

Are you spending Valentine’s Day away from your special someone? Despite how you feel about the big V-Day, you can’t escape the reality of being away from your partner when the day arrives. That’s why Brooke Shunatona has 19 Romantic Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day in a Long-Distance Relationship.

Or perhaps you are still keeping your options open for the new year and haven’t quite found what you’re looking for. Here are some things to think about:

  • The reign of singles will continue
  • Couples messaging apps will explode
  • Facebook will become an even more common of a place to end a relationship…yuck

Hopefully, these life choices tips have pumped you up, and you are feeling like the savvy, smart, sexy woman you are. Now get out there and rock this year!

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