Leave the Office Behind & Work On What Really Matters: You

Ladies, unless you enjoy the idea of spending the rest of your lives dragging yourself into work, then I wish you the best. But if you have had just about enough of that same old routine, then you need to seriously consider either getting a job that lets you work at home or going into business for yourself.

I know from many years of experience that being in the wrong job is one of the worst things you could possibly do to yourself. By exploring new options and taking a chance on your dreams, you’ll gain the independence you crave that will lead to success in many other areas of your life.

  • Having a job that you hate going to is basically like having a disease you can’t get rid off. See if working from home might be the cure you are looking for
  • Or perhaps it’s time you finally get the wheels in motion for your own business venture
  • Either way, these rules for the independent woman will help you in your quest
  • Then take a quick look at 11 things your soul wants you to realize
  • It might just help when you are looking for meaningful things you and your partner could be discussing every day

So it’s not only a miserable experience being in a job that you hate or don’t need to be at to perform, but it drains you in every other department of your life. Just think about how much time and money it costs you traveling to and from work every day. Especially if you happen to live far or don’t even have transportation.

That alone is worth considering working at home.

According to a 2015 statistics report from GlobalWorkplaceAnalytics.com, “regular work-at-home employees have grown by 103 percent in a decade’s time with nearly 4 million,” people performing jobs from their home.

It’s time for you to be part of that trend ladies. I mean, doesn’t it sound awesome to roll out of bed and not have to deal with the whole morning work routine?

Now when I say work from home, I’m not talking about taking surveys for a penny an hour. Look for opportunities that will inspire you, that you have never tried before, and that you know will MAKE YOU HAPPY.

Perhaps it’s even time to start your own business. Especially if you are a dreamer with a passion. But maybe the only thing that is stopping you is the same thing that stops other women from pursuing their ambitions. Money.

You can check out this piece, 10 Ways to Fund Your Small Business by Doug and Polly White, for some great ways to get a hold of the startup money you need.

Just know that money should NEVER BE the root cause for you not following through on your ideas and goals. Money is nice of course, but it comes and it goes ladies. The chance to turn your dreams into a reality is much more frugal in its appearances, so stop worrying about money and get to it!


That is your mission should you chose to accept it. Why? Because once you begin to experience life under your own rules, it gives you a powerful feeling of strength that you will never be able to lose or give up once it’s yours.

Some of the ideas in writer Madelyn Bonilla’s piece, 36 Rules Every Independent Woman Follows On Her Way To Success, are funny, obvious, and very easy to follow. But there are also some really great ideas like:

  • Instead of gossiping about other women, be positive and supportive
  • Try taking yourself out on dates once in a while
  • Wear less makeup or none, I’m all about this one some days!
  • The only reasons to cry are over death, happiness, or physical pain
  • It’s OK to be single and focus on your career and yourself, this one is SUPER IMPORTANT

Once you gain those little feelings of freedom during your transformation into an independent woman, you might also want to know the 11 Things Your Soul Wants You To Realize.

In case you and your soul don’t really talk all that much anymore, it’s OK. By doing things like being kinder, releasing the past, valuing your own perceptions more, and not trying to fit in and please everyone with a false version of yourself, you’ll be hearing your soul loud and clear.

It also wants you to stop valuing stuff more than people. Like your family, your friends, and of course your partner.

And when it comes to placing value on your other half, you can increase the return on investment through always trying to build meaning into the conversations you have.

Writer Carrie Murphy lists some great topics for you like: each other’s goals, challenges you both face, health concerns and issues, and the future. Even better is the classic opening, “Remember when…” that is sure to get the two of you rehashing some of the best times of your lives.

Just remember that when you keep doing things to better yourself and your life, it only moves you closer to becoming a more independent, empowered woman.

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  1. Being in a job that you don’t like is the worst thing in the world. It makes for a negative attitude every single day. Find something to do that makes you happy. Even if the pay is a little less. Working at home is great if you can make it work. Thanks for all the good advice here.

  2. This article reminds me of myself. There was a time in my life where I was stuck in a dead end job that I hated and I was always thinking about the past. Being true to yourself and taking what you want is one of the best ways to move forward.

  3. It really is the worst thing in the world and I like how they relate it to a disease you can’t get rid of. I had a job at one time that was so horrible that I drove to work in tears everyday. I felt like I was being physically assaulted by my misery. We all do what we have to do to get by, but getting out of that situation as soon as possible is essential for spiritual health.

  4. I couldn’t agree more with the tip about supporting other women. Too often I see women talking about other women. Let’s work on giving each other support. I don’t see men talking about other men all the time. Let’s build each other up!

  5. This is so true. Just having the courage to take that first step to another job or a new business takes a lot of “guts.” I admire the women who have branched out and done this. Now if I could just do the same. I really think I’m working myself up to it because I’m in a job I really, really could do without.

  6. It is great to have all the funding sources listed in that Entrepreneur article. When a business is in financial straits, the owners tend to get tunnel vision and forget about all the possible options.

  7. This is what I have been saying for a very long time. Women cannot expect to be treated as equals by their male counterparts when we spend so much of our time discrediting and undermining other successful women! We teach men how to treat us by the way we treat one another! If we can support and encourage one another instead of tearing one another down, we will command the respect we truly deserve!

  8. I’ve had times in my life when I got stuck dwelling on the past and it does absolutely no good. When I finally got out of that rut, I felt like I had wasted so much time.

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