7 Infused Water Flavor Ideas You’ll Love
Are you tired of drinking plain water? Maybe it’s time to look at my infused water flavor ideas. Drinking more water is something that we think about in the back of our heads, but it is not the shining star of most of our thoughts. We do it all the time so it’s not like we forget about it completely, but it’s become such a habit that we don’t necessarily put a lot of thought into how or why we’re doing it. Maybe it’s time we should!
Staying hydrated does more than you might think. Yes, it stops those pesky thirst feelings (or at least cuts down on them), but it also does wonders for keeping the skin looking good, makes sure your organs can function properly, and it is also as important as fiber for keeping the digestive system flowing as intended. Water helps cushion your joints (which can prevent injury), gets rid of waste, and helps to keep your body temperature regulated.
Drinking water might also help you lose weight since many of those hunger pangs are actually thirst, and staying hydrated can help keep you feeling alert and happy.
Infused Water Flavor Ideas For Daily Use
#1) Lemon Water
Putting slices of lemon in water is a common way to spruce up the stuff. If it sounds like a hassle to you, prepare a big pitcher all at once. Be sure to wash your lemons well since slicing can spread around any chemicals that might be on the outer peel. Toss the lemon slices into a pitcher of water and then chill it. Your taste buds will thank you. Lemon water has tons of benefits beyond just making your water taste better.
Over time drinking lemon water can change the alkalinity of your body and reduce acidity, which then reduces inflammation. It is also full of tons of antioxidants and vitamins that you need. Lemon also helps to keep the immune system firing at full speed, and many people claim warm lemon water in the morning can energize them enough to replace their morning coffee!
#2) Cucumber Water
Is that the swanky day spa calling? It doesn’t have to be! Making your own cucumber water at home is just as easy as making your own lemon water, and it is definitely a contender for the most refreshing water drink of all time. Again, make sure to clean the cucumber well and chill your concoction in a glass pitcher for the best results.
#3) Sparkling Water And Orange Slices
Sparkling water or soda water is merely water with carbonation added, so you get that tingly fun boost without additives or calories. Do not confuse soda water with tonic water however, which is extremely high in calories and sugar. Sparkling water also goes well with any added fruit or veggie slices you deem fit.
Why not try an orange slice when you’re in the mood for something a little less tangy than a lemon? Orange slices add the same amount of flavor boost and are another great source of vitamin C.
#4) Take Your Water in Your Tea
Teas, of course, are made with water and every different kind has its own health benefits.
If you’re going for caffeine green tea is probably the best bet with tons of antioxidants and even the power to up your calorie burn.
Herbal teas, on the other hand, run no risk of dehydrating you as they are sans caffeine, but they still have all kinds of benefits. Chamomile tea, for example, can help to control your blood pressure levels, and mint tea can calm an upset stomach stat.
#5) Toss Some Herbs in There
Do you know how refreshing that mojito is with all those mint leaves hanging around? This is applicable to your daily water routine as well. Fresher breath is an added bonus. Ginger, lavender, and lemongrass are all other options that might seem a little out there until you get a taste.
While you can’t have real mojitos every day, you can have virgin mojito as often as you wish!
#6) Fruity Ice Cubes
If you use a refrigerator with an ice maker you may have forgotten about ice trays, but they offer a really fun way to jazz up any drink that needs cooling down.
Try freezing some natural fruit juice that will provide a flavor boost as it melts, or add little pieces of fruit like grapes. Grapes on their own also freeze quite nicely, FYI, and make an awesome little hydrating snack of their own!
#7) Berry Water
Why let sliced fruits have all the fun? Muddle some raspberries or strawberries in your drink for a fruity experience.
Any fruit can work for this so let your imagination run wild. Berries, in particular, are one of the best places to get your antioxidants, so you can rest assured that your tasty water drink is actually improving your health as you sip.
Fruit infuser water bottle
Want to get your infused water on the go? They make fruit infuser water bottles: easy peasy!
BPA Free Infuser Water Bottle, Free Recipes & A Cleaning Brush GiftsAquaFrut 32oz Fruit Infuser Water Bottle (Teal)
Do you feel like you need to get more water in your diet or do you have no problem downing the stuff? Let us know if you’ll be trying any of these ways to add more water to your diet or if you have a water recipe of your own you’d like to share!