How To Stay Strong & Always Have the Right Answers

Do any of you ladies out there feel like you’re constantly being tested in life? If so, it’s because you are.

They might not be on a Scantron form, but you are always facing tests. Work tests, love tests, mind, body, and soul tests. The good thing though, is that you don’t always need to have the exact answers in order to pass. As a woman, you have the power and freedom to overcome any obstacle or test that life throws your way!

  • First meet two women who are helping to fuel the positive body campaign
  • Then learn the 10 powerful habits that will make you a millionaire
  • Stop letting nervousness get in the way of your success with 6 ways to communicate confidence
  • Get some advice on love and what moving into together first can do for your relationship
  • Find out what questions you should ask yourself before getting married and what happens when the honeymoon is over
  • Then Look at 14 Winter Work Outfit Ideas Perfect For The Office
  • As well as 30 Wardrobe Essentials You Should Own by the Time You’re 30
  • Now ask yourself, “Can I Really Lose Weight With “Mind-Body” Workouts?
Meet Ashley Graham & Barbie Ferreira to Start Off With Some Inspiration

You might recall Ashley Graham from her Addition Elle lingerie collection at New York Fashion Week last September. As a 28-year-old plus size model from Lincoln, Nebraska she has been at the forefront of the body positive campaign for many years, even becoming the Full Figured Fashion Week’s Model of the Year in 2012.

Well she’s back as the face of Canadian brand Addition Elle’s spring 2016 active wear collection, and continues to inspire women everywhere with her success.

Like 19-year-old Barbie Ferreira, who recently made her debut for lingerie brand Aerie . You can read about her insightful message to all females in the piece, Aerie Model Barbie Ferreira Hopes Her Campaign Will Make Girls Be Kinder to Themselves by writer Kristina Rodulfo.

Good Habits Can Bring Awesome Results

In the piece 10 Powerful Habits That Will Make You a Millionaire, writer Daniel Ally describes the circumstances that led him to develop new habits with his free time. In turn,

“These habits led to a succession of positive results. Professionally, I became more competent. Personally, I became more confident. This realization that competence breeds confidence was the pivotal point that changed my life.”

And speaking of confidence, writer Sherrie Campbell wants you to know that there are 6 Ways to Communicate Confidence Even if You’re Nervous.

What are they?

  • Be clear on your views
  • Be prepared
  • Stick to your guns
  • Provoke questioning
  • Show respect
  • Be genuine

Read the details on each one and no longer will you have to rely on imagining your audience is naked. Which I would never recommend anyways, yech!

Your Partner On the Other Hand Is Another Story

Especially if you are at the point of your relationship where the word marriage has made it’s debut in conversations the two of you have. If so, then you might want to read, Why You Should Live With Your Partner Before Marriage by writer Jasmine Watts.

Nothing tests the strength of a relationship better than living together and being around that other person ALL THE TIME. Trust me ladies, it’s a good move to make before you say, “I do.”

And to help supplement that advice take a look at, Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting Married. You might just realize a thing or two about “forever” you hadn’t thought of. Or even better, you might learn something about your partner you never knew.

Just in case you already tied the knot, congratulations! I hope it was magical and everything you wanted it to be. Now that the dynamic has changed, and it does ladies, you have to both work at keeping the marriage healthy.

To help with that, check out writer Michele Rosen’s piece Honeymoon’s Over: How to Deal With Common Newlywed Problems.

From Work to Workout

If you have been trying to figure out what to wear lately to work, then check out 14 Winter Work Outfit Ideas Perfect For The Office. From turtlenecks and blazers, to sneakers with trousers and a furry chubby, get the look you want and keep cozy at the same time.

Then check out the 30 Wardrobe Essentials You Should Own by the Time You’re 30. Or just 30 by 30 for short. Whatever you call it ladies, just make sure you enjoy how you feel when configuring your wardrobe.

And to help you feeling your absolute best, it might be time for you to ask the question: Can You Really Lose Weight With “Mind-Body” Workouts?

Author and life coach Jessie Andricks explores the topic of how mind-body workouts like yoga, Pilates, and barre train your body at a slower pace that, “can help you treat the cause of extra weight gain (such as overeating, stress, emotional eating, body shame, etc.).”

That’s all for today ladies, let us know if any of these tips worked for you!

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  1. Ashley Graham and Barbie Ferreira are excellent role models and talented business women. I hope young women (and men) take their message to heart and understand that all bodies are normal and beautiful.

  2. Lots of great advice here! I do agree with how it can be a good idea to live with your fiance’ for awhile before getting married. Where I am from that is frowned upon, but had I done that in my first two marriages, I would never have suffered through the heartache of two divorces. Fortunately, I am now recently remarried for the third and LAST time. I did not live with him prior to our marriage, but I did stay with him at his place for a few days at a time. This helped me to see that yes we are very compatible and now I am happier than I ever could have imagined being.

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