How to Extract the Positive From Any Situation

I have always believed in the principle of Yin and Yang, which means that the universe is created in harmony and balance. All things exist with an inseparable opposite such as night and day, old and young, male and female and good and bad, etc.

This is probably the reason why I remain standing on my two feet writing to you despite all that I’ve been through in my life. I couldn’t count the number of events I might have drowned myself in frustration and desperation, but I just chose not to.

Problems are no different than a sudden change in weather.

My life was so complicated from the day I was born. Growing up, I was physically and mentally abused. I was bullied in school when I was a teenager. My first love broke my heart and soul into tiny little pieces when he left me for another woman – after we had 3 kids. At 27, I found out from a good source that the people who took care of me were not my real parents. And worst of all, I have been celebrating my birthday on the wrong date!

Strength is about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel even in the most devastating times.

When I came across this article by Lauren Boudreau titled “How Cheating On My Boyfriend Ended Up Making Me a More Honest Partner,” I remembered how it felt to be on the receiving end of a heartbreak. The only difference is that I wasn’t the one who cheated.

Nevertheless, it made me realize this:

Mistakes, pain and negative situations allow us to discover our hidden self and make us do things we never thought we were capable of.

Before, I couldn’t help but ask myself – what the hell is wrong with me?! Was I born with a magnet that attracts all the negative things in this world? There were more theatricals in my life than any TV melodrama series ever told!

The people who really knew me called me “braveheart.” They think that I am lucky to have this kind of perspective, but in my mind, it wasn’t about luck, but a decision I struggled to make every single day of my life. Without all this drama, I would never know how strong I am.

It is possible to improve a negative situation and turn it into something beneficial and productive.

Life is a battlefield. You can choose to be a gladiator and fight for your happiness or you can just stay in the corner and cry the whole day. It’s up to you.

In the business arena, for example, real state investors can be considered as generals of the army. They are the brains who decide which options would generate promising future financial returns. While there are obvious options like the big cities, some investors consider jumping on the 18-hour city bandwagon.

They see greater opportunities on secondary markets like Denver, Nashville and Raleigh. Though it doesn’t operate on a 24/7 basis, the lower price point of both commercial and residential properties and its potential to yield superior returns make it a more attractive choice.

The choice is ours to make, ladies! It’s either we rot in negativity or we can choose to see things in a positive light.

So, what if I have an unhappy childhood? I gained self-discipline in the process. Knowing the effects of an abusive environment, I became a better parent to my children. The pain inflicted by the man whom I trusted with my world made me love myself more. I may not know my biological parents, but that’s fine, I know I’m not alone. My cat Happy, doesn’t know hers either. And now that I found out about my correct date of birth, then I get to celebrate my birthday twice a year!

Consequently, my experiences in life taught me not to make a big fuss out of small things like limited shopping budget, low Wi-Fi signal and menstrual cramps. However, there are small things that we shouldn’t overlook.

Sometimes, our discomfort and unhappiness have a little message for us.

It is possible that the miseries brought by our monthly companion are trying to tell us that there is something wrong with our body. It could be that our hormones are totally out of whack or it can also reveal energy stagnation.

And speaking of small things, sometimes, cartoon characters like Winnie the Pooh can give us higher perspective.  Check this out – “5 Life Changing Lessons About Happiness From Winnie The Pooh.”

And here’s my favorite:

“You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you.”

So ladies, what are you waiting for? Take charge of your life!

Nowadays, I am still dealing with lots of personal stuff, but no matter what news life has for me, I will continue to fight for my happiness. I am determined to do whatever it takes even if it means rebuilding my life every single day.

So I challenge you, before you complain with yours, try my life!

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