5 Healthy Habits For Fall
The leaves are changing. Maybe you’re thinking it’s time to make a few changes for yourself. The best way to avoid the couch potato slump of the winter months is to start forming healthy habits in the fall.
Get yourself on to these five healthy habits for fall now, before the cold changes your mind.
Healthy Habits For Fall your Should Start Today
#1. Go Organic
It’s harvest season! Fruits, veggies, and grains are at their peak tastes, and lowest prices.
Consider what has been stopping you from going organic all these years. Do you not see the difference between organic and regular vegetables? Is the price of organic holding you back?
Ultimately, organic living is clean living. It’s a chance to avoid added chemicals in our foods. Even if you can’t taste the difference between these foods, you will notice a difference in how your body responds to what you eat.
I will admit: the price of organic food was always a concern of mine. However, your local farmer’s markets or healthy living stores have sales on organic products to help you keep the price down.
Start stocking up on organics now, freeze and can them for the winter!
#2. Boost Your Morning Routine
If you’re the type who hits the snooze button and has calculated the last possible minute you can stay in bed, then takes a three-minute shower while the coffee is brewing and the car is warming up, try to kick that habit and bring a little enlightenment to your day.
Wake up when your alarm goes off the first time. As the mornings get colder, it gets more difficult to get out of bed. Start waking up with the first alarm now, so that you can be used to doing so by the time the snow starts.
Now that you’re waking up 45 minutes earlier every morning, take some time for yourself. Prepare yourself for the day by partaking in a little guided meditation.
There are a ton of free guided meditations available on YouTube.com. The trick is to find the meditation that works best with your needs. If you need peace, relief from anxiety, or stress relief before jumping into the hustle of the day, there are videos available to you.
If you find that these meditations put you to sleep (not so great when you have to be at work on time), try doing them before bed to help you get a deeper, more relaxed sleep.
#3. Reduce Your Gluten Intake
Lance Gluten Free CrackersGluten Free Gourmet Healthy Snacks
PopCorners Snacks Variety Pack
Snack Factory Gluten Free Minis Pretzel Crisps
Many Americans have gluten sensitivities and don’t know it. The problem with diagnosing it is that the symptoms have wide ranges from skin rashes to major GI issues. The almighty Dr. Oz tells us to reduce our gluten at least once a week, as it can help with inflammation.
However, it’s difficult for carb lovers to go gluten-free, and if we resort to corn-based products, we can have the same issues as we have with gluten.
A reduction of products high in gluten can help us with our sensitivities. I cut about 50% of my gluten intake, and I am amazed at the reduction of belly fat that reduction caused.
But it wasn’t just my shrinking belly that was noticeable. I had clearer thoughts and more focus.
Whether you believe you have gluten sensitivity or not, attempt to cut your gluten intake this fall to help you live a healthier lifestyle.
#4. Ditch the Sugary Drinks and Replace them with Natural Ones
If you are permanently attached to your 64 oz. refillable mug of cola, work on cutting the cord. There are many different beverages that can help you overcome the caffeine addiction.
Try a green tea with a little bit of honey. I found that a 30 oz green tea from Starbucks with four pumps of classic sweetener (simple syrup) is 70 calories, as opposed to the nearly 250 calories of a 20 oz cola.
If you’ve been waiting ten months for Starbucks to bring back their pumpkin spice latte, try making your own sugar-free (or reduced-sugar) version at your house – Pumpkin Spice Coffee + Warm Milk = Pumpkin Spice Latte (NOM!).
#5. Forgive, Forget, & Be Drama Free
We can worry about our bodies all day long, but the best way to get our bodies into shape is to get our minds into shape! Dwelling on the way someone at work spoke to you or the gossip going around the office will only create more stress in your life.
Related: How to effectively reduce stress in 5 easy steps
Think clearly about what is really causing the drama. Then, let it go. It is what it is, and it isn’t something you have time for.
Reduce your stress by surrounding yourself with positive people. Don’t buy into the drama of the office. Instead, find friends with whom you can have healthy discussions.
Remember, it is time we make positive changes in our lives. Some of the changes above are things we’ve already been thinking about. Some are things that are hard to begin. Remember, a healthy body begins with a healthy mind! What are some of the habits you are thinking about starting this fall? How are they going to help you prepare for those winter months?
By: MacKenzie Nelson-Greene
I don’t think I will ever go totally organic but I am working harder to be healthier. I don’t think most people really need to start on the first of the year either. If you want to be healthier, start today. Don’t make plans that you won’t follow through with.
I liked this article in general, but I disagree with the gluten advice. I think gluten is just the latest food to be demonized and there is no reason to avoid it unless you have an actual intolerance.
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I don’t really buy into it either but there are a few products that are glutton free which I actually like. I will stick it out for my favorite deli meats, what can I say? I like a good lunch, plus it is low in sodium and I do need that.
We are a largely gluten free household even though none of us has an allergy to it and we all feel better when we avoid it. In my case, as an example, if I eat regular pasta, I want to take a nap, but if I eat gluten free pasta, I can keep going like the Energizer Bunny.
Be drama free. This is the best advice ever. I wish everyone took this advice. I know I am trying to reduce the drama in my life. I have written off a lot of friends.
I agree! It is just the newest craze. Don’t eat foods made with gluten. Don’t eat eggs. Don’t eat this or that. I don’t fall for the health food craze.
I try to buy organic food but it is so expensive. I do grow a lot of my own food (veggies and fruit). I don’t buy organic meat.