4 Easy Ways To Keep Your Exercise Routine This Fall

Do you feel like you’ve fallen off the track with your exercise routine? Fall has finally arrived! The colorful, crisp leaves are blowing in with cool air. The kids are going back to school, allowing you to get back to those projects you’ve been putting on hold for a while. It isn’t sizzling outside anymore either, so now is a great time get some much needed exercise in. If only you could get out of bed first!

Woman in yoga pose, surraounded by beautiful autumn scenery

During this time of year, the desire for hibernation kicks into high gear, making you feel a little lazy at times. However, now is the time to get up and move taking in the glorious golden colors and beautiful surroundings.

How To Get Into A Good Exercise Routine

1. Get Up & Get Moving

Although you might be tempted to sit around sipping hot chocolate and eating S’mores all day, increase your body’s metabolism by working out to fit the change of the season. Jogging is simple and fun way to take in the beautiful environment that autumn has to offer.

Outdoor activities don’t have to be put on halt either. Join a fitness center, or if you have a free community gym in your area, take advantage. Just because the colder months are upon us, doesn’t mean your routine has to stop. As we store more fat in the fall and winter, now is even more important to move your feet.

According to a study conducted by PLoS One, the potential for metabolic syndrome greatly increases in the colder months. To offset this, try some workouts to get your heart pumping. There is also evidence that concludes that the amount we lose in the spring in summer can quickly be gained in fall and winter. Something to think about.

2. Wear Weather Appropriate Clothing

Don’t forget to gear up with appropriate fall wear for your workouts. Lululemon has great style that will get you pumped to move as the weather changes. Try clothing that wicks away sweat as well as provide warmth for the season.

Fashion that is breathable as well as functional will increase your enjoyment of your daily workouts and will help you feel great.

Lululemon Wunder Under Crop High Rise Luxtreme Yoga Pants (Black, 4)Lululemon Wunder Under Crop High Rise Luxtreme Yoga Pants (Black, 4)Lululemon Wunder Under Crop High Rise Luxtreme Yoga Pants (Black, 4)Lululemon Power Y Tank (10, Pipe Dream Blue)Lululemon Power Y Tank (10, Pipe Dream Blue)Lululemon Power Y Tank (10, Pipe Dream Blue)Lululemon Define Jacket (6, Wee Are From Space Ice Grey Alpine White)Lululemon Define Jacket (6, Wee Are From Space Ice Grey Alpine White)Lululemon Define Jacket (6, Wee Are From Space Ice Grey Alpine White)

3. Workout & Watch TV

Some of the best television shows of the year premiere during fall. If you are making plans to watch a good amount of TV, spend as much time, jogging in place, doing situps, squats, anything that will get your heart rate up. It’s fun to do these activities during commercials so that you can focus on your show.

When exercising, spend as much time jogging in place, or whatever you choose to do, as you do sitting. So if you spend 2 hours in front of the television, make up for it by going for a 2 hour walk.

4. Adapt to Changes

It’s easy to want to stay in and snuggle in bed, especially when it is frigid outside. Studies show that we sleep better when it’s cold anyways, so it is only natural. However, try to stay committed to your workout regimen.

It takes about 30 days to start seeing results from a new workout routine, so don’t allow your yourself to give up. Many people usually quit after a few days of realizing that they aren’t building muscle or melting pounds. Keep this in mind and stay focused on your goal.

Keeping fit for autumn can prove to be a challenge but can work for you if you keep up with a routine.

Take advantage of all the beauty that fall has to offer and enjoy activities that are fun and adventurous.

Remember to stay safe during this season, as the days are shorter, and dark comes early.

Keep these tips in mind and you will be on the way to a full, active, fall .

What about you? How do you incorporate working out with the colder months? Do you have suggestions for keeping fit? Please let us know.

Woman doing a yoga exercise routine

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  1. This was exactly what I needed to read right now. I have been tempted to just sit around in my comfy sweaters drinking hot chocolate. I need to keep moving through the fall or my arthritis will get bad for the winter. Thanks for the inspiration! I might even go for a jog today!

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  4. Jogging in the fall is the best! It is much cooler and easier to exercise. You don’t get as sweaty. You still get a great workout though.

  5. I think working out while watching TV is a great idea. You can do a lot of sit-ups during a thirty minute show. I walk up and down the stairs during commercials.

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