Resolutions and Goals

Here is the first post of 2019. Like others I’m sure, I made New Years Resolutions. That was the easy part. Keeping those resolutions is the challenge.

Convert resolutions into goals
Enthusiastic Leap Into the New Year!

Typical Resolutions

Most years when Lois asks me about the New Years Resolutions, I mention living a more healthful life, having more intentional leisure time or working harder in the business. All admirable resolutions in my mind but they are “soft” expressions of what I hope will happen. And as I am often heard saying: “hope is not a strategy.”

Resolutions And Goals

Resolutions are in a way an expression of the vision for what one wants to achieve. Goals lay out the way forward to achieve that vision. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reasonable and have a Time line. So, how do resolutions become goals?

How To Set A Goal

Take my resolution of working harder in the business. I need to make that a series of specific tasks: attend one networking event a month, make 5 sales calls a week, write a blog post each week, review progress on goals each week. These all meet the SMART test.

Living a more healthful life is noble but vague. One element of a more healthful life for me is exercise. So a goal is to hit the gym at least 4 days a week and complete my one-hour workout diligently. Does this goal meet the SMART test? Mostly. The Measurability of the goal might seem questionable but I know when my one-hour workout is goal achieving or not.

Goals And Activities

I believe selling is all about activities. Do the right activities well and sales goals are met. So when I set the goal of 5 sales calls per week, I will have to do the prospecting and appointment setting activities to achieve that goal. I will need to know how many prospects I will need to contact to get the 5 appointments. You get the picture. Define all the activities to be done to meet the goal. Then go do them!

What To Do Right Now

Take a look at the resolutions you made. Write them down. Post them where you see them everyday. Then define the goals to make those resolutions come true. Write out the activity plan for the next month to assure you meet the goal. Then set about enthusiastically doing the work making your dreams come true.

To learn more sales secrets see Chapter Eighteen, Setting Your Goals, in Secrets of the Softer Side of Selling. For even more sales help, join our FREE Sales Club! “See” you next week.

Good selling!
Don Crawford & Lois Carter Crawford

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