This Is How to Form a Healthy Perspective About Life & Start Seeing Things Clearer

A couple of years ago, I had the chance to visit this wonderful island in South East Asia. Being in the one of the most beautiful tropical destinations in the world, I made sure that I didn’t miss any chance of exploring its entirety. I discovered that although riding a speed boat is exhilarating, I…

Here’s How You Can Avoid Some Of Life’s Pitfalls & Stay Focused On Building a Better You

“I screw up all the time,” the voice in my head told me after I broke up with my BF 5 years ago. It doesn’t make sense keeping count of all the idiots I’ve encountered in my life. Well, I wish I had regrets making a fool out of myself during those heavily-clouded days of…

Learn to Heed Life’s Red Flags & It Will Greatly Improve Your Chances Of Letting In More Success

A couple of years ago, a bad relationship decision my friend Christy made, led to an unforgettable night out. Despite her parents’ and friends’ (including me) disapproval, she still decided to stay with her “married” boyfriend. To be fair, he is married, but not living together with his wife anymore. Christy believed that he was…

Stop Sabotaging Your Life By Trying to Fix the Wrong Things: Do This Instead!

Do you know someone who thinks that they should always do everything perfectly? It’s like they can’t stand to see a tiny little mess out of the corner of their eye and just a small bit of clutter makes them super uneasy. My roommate is a recovering perfectionist. She used to be bothered by simple…

Remember This Feeling? Here’s How to Start Making the Most Out of Everything & Be Happier In Life

Three years ago, my then fiancé and I decided to visit the two most popular cities in Asia, Hong Kong and Macau.  We booked a hotel for 4-days a month prior to the trip. I did my homework when researching about the two places: famous landmarks to go to, must-try foods, and public transport systems…