Stop Waiting Around For Success to Come Find You & Learn What It Takes to Go Get It Yourself

Nikka, one of my friends, has been single for about three months now. For her, that is quite long already. It seems like she is never alone. I mean, she’s always in a relationship with someone as if she’s allergic to being single. Two weeks ago, Nikka told me that she wanted her next relationship…

Taking Care Of Yourself Is the First Step Towards Repairing the Scars Of Judgment

Let’s face it ladies, every minute of every day you are being judged and assessed. From your family and your boss to your co-workers, friends, and kids, and of course by males of all shapes and sizes. And let’s not forget your harshest critic: You. It doesn’t matter if you critique yourself a lot or…

Life May Not Be Perfect, But This Is How You Can Always Make Things Better

Last weekend, since I had nothing much to do after some grocery shopping, I decided to pay my best friend a surprise visit. You might be thinking, who comes to someone’s place unannounced? Well, my bestie and I do that to each other all the time. I guess it’s included in the perks of being…