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When It Comes to Always Being Your Best, It Pays to Have Grace Under Pressure

Panicking is a natural reaction, especially when you know that all eyes are on you and when you are aware that people have high expectations of you. In my previous company, you couldn’t get promoted just because you had outstanding work performance. Aside from formally applying for the position, you also had to compete with…


Want to Live a More Meaningful Life? Here’s How You Can Started Ladies

There’s no one in this world who can claim that they are experts in life. I firmly believe that our wisdom is only based on our experiences and our ability to make it meaningful and constructive. The latter creates a huge difference. During my freshman year in college, I used to be an activist. I…

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When the Struggle Is Real Ladies, There Is More Than One Way that Can Help You Conquer Your Dreams

My best friend Michael whom I love from the bottom of my heart recently came out to me. I feel like I always knew it since we were young, but I just wanted to let him be himself and decided to wait until he was ready to tell me himself. Michael has the biggest heart…

young woman relaxing after working out

4 Ways to Heal Post Workout Pain So You Can Keep Moving

Finding the perfect workout routine is rewarding and exciting. As you gain increasing strength and capabilities your muscles will become stronger, while you burn more fat. The advantage of having a regular workout routine is that your body is still burning calories at rest, increasing metabolism. But there’s one thing you might hate after a…