Woman in her fashion shop

5 Women Entrepreneurs Who Are Working For Themselves & Loving Every Minute Of It!

There’s much controversy these days over equality in the workplace, especially where pay is concerned. Although women have come leaps and bounds farther than they were decades ago, we still have a ways to go. One of the effects of this is the fact that women have taken charge of their own career paths by…

checking email messages on the phone

9 Proven Email Marketing Tips And Techniques to Get Sign-Ups & Keep Them

For a small business or online business of any kind, email marketing is extremely important. It is a great way to remind customers of your existence and to keep them coming back for more. Through email marketing, you can also keep your community informed about any changes that your business is going through, and offer…

woman sitting outside reading on her digital reader

Ebook Marketing Tips And Strategies

We live in a digital world. If you want to earn money, you should definitely consider writing and selling eBooks. These items are becoming more and more common. People today want to read their news and get their information using their computers and their mobile phones. With so many eBooks available today, people can do everything from learning to sew to research the history of the United States. The following are some tips for how to write and sell eBooks for a living.

product launch plan

How To Develop Your New Product Launch Strategy For Massive Paydays

In your quest to launch a successful product in the marketplace, you need a new product launch strategy that will guide you to success. Launching a product requires meticulous planning, coordination and a start-to-finish strategy that will act as your guide as to what to do next. Sure, Murphy’s Law will come into play and things will go wrong, and that’s why having a strategy to keep you on track and focused is even more important.

Take the Time to Gain Customers: 5 Powerful Ways Social Media Can Work For Your Business

Social media is a multi-billion-dollar business, and you can actually use it for your own business! It is the closest thing to free advertising that you can get. If time is money, then the time you spend on social media advertising is where you are going to get the biggest bang for your buck! However,…