Carefully Choose
Speaking to Prospects & Customers
The words we use when we speak with prospects and customers affect the outcome of the sales presentation. Think about and carefully choose the words you use to improve sales.
Proposal vs. Quote
Are you after a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship? Sounds a lot like marriage. Do we “quote” to the one we love or “propose?”
Price vs. Cost
Cost has a negative connotation. Price is more appealing. Have you ever seen a “cost tag” in a furniture store?
Benefit vs. Feature
People buy benefits. Think about drill bits. Carpenters and machinists really want holes. If your drill bit lasts longer than the competition, the
customer gets more holes per bit.
Want vs. Need
We buy what we want not what we need. I need transportation to get me to work. I want my own car rather than taking the bus.
Share vs. Tell
From the earliest age, our mothers taught us to share. “Would you share your budget with me?” is better than “Tell me your budget.”
BONUS TIP: Can vs. Will
Can denotes the person has the power to do. Will is optional. “Can you make a decision today?” asks whether they have the ability to decide. While “Will you purchase six cases of this fine wine?” begs for excuses like “I would, but my wine cellar is full, sorry.”
Good selling!
Don Crawford & Lois Carter Crawford