How To Get Through Tough Times – Because Being Helpless Is Not an Option

One of my life’s most heroic moments happened in 1993 right after my graduation from grade school. My classmates and I, together with two of our class advisers, decided to celebrate at a nearby resort. Since the students significantly outnumbered the chaperones, we of course never expected them to be able to keep an eye…

4 Ways to Keep Your Investments Safe During Sudden Downturns

The thing about investments is that depending on where your money is, things can change pretty dramatically when the market decides to. With the recent market drop we just experienced, some people might be nervous about where they have their money. Here are some ways to decide when it’s time to move your investments, and…

Stop Waiting Around For Success to Come Find You & Learn What It Takes to Go Get It Yourself

Nikka, one of my friends, has been single for about three months now. For her, that is quite long already. It seems like she is never alone. I mean, she’s always in a relationship with someone as if she’s allergic to being single. Two weeks ago, Nikka told me that she wanted her next relationship…

5 Great Ways to Stay Calm & Collected Throughout Your Pregnancy

Weight gain, nausea, backaches, puffy feet, hospital bills, insomnia, irritability, having to be everywhere, and everything to everyone on low energy. This is enough to make an otherwise even-tempered person, utterly insane! Welcome to the life of pregnancy and its glorious ups and downs. How fun! We all have those days when stressors seem to…