3 Companies Profiting From Their Investments & How They Can Be Good For Your Money

Business is an ever-changing realm that is a direct result of changes with customers needs and wants. Today’s customer may think differently than those from just a few years back and further, but one thing remains the same, the need to make customers happy. Customer satisfaction is of great importance for businesses looking to spread their wings in…

Here Are Some Mindful Tips For When You Have to Ride An Emotional Roller Coaster

When my 9-year relationship with my ex ended, my life was a total wreck. Every day, I battled with my feelings of shame, worthlessness and resentment. It made me feel wiped out and drained. I didn’t tell anyone about it and just kept everything to myself. I didn’t want people to judge me or perceive…

Are You Losing More Than Winning These Days? It Might Be Time to Break Up With Your Old Habits

I spent 10 years of my life working in the customer service industry where I encountered a lot of different people with interesting stories, mindsets and lifestyles. There, I met Sam, who eventually became one of my closest friends. Sam was only 21 at the time and a single mom. She got pregnant after a…