How Small Business Owners Can Benefit From The “New” Facebook

If you haven’t noticed the new ads on Facebook, it’s probably because you don’t have a Facebook account. These things are hard to miss. In addition to the ads, there have been a surge of small business Facebook storefronts lately. What (as business owners) can we learn from the way that they operate? How are…

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When It Comes to Always Being Your Best, It Pays to Have Grace Under Pressure

Panicking is a natural reaction, especially when you know that all eyes are on you and when you are aware that people have high expectations of you. In my previous company, you couldn’t get promoted just because you had outstanding work performance. Aside from formally applying for the position, you also had to compete with…

Woman in her fashion shop

5 Women Entrepreneurs Who Are Working For Themselves & Loving Every Minute Of It!

There’s much controversy these days over equality in the workplace, especially where pay is concerned. Although women have come leaps and bounds farther than they were decades ago, we still have a ways to go. One of the effects of this is the fact that women have taken charge of their own career paths by…