Prospecting - Looking for New Customers

Sales Prospecting – The Art Of Finding New Business

The art of sales prospecting is a “state of mind.” The best prospectors are always looking for new opportunities. Always have your antenna up. Prospects are everywhere! Prospecting – The Art Of Finding New Business Our oldest daughter is a Disney Vacation Planner and a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant. It’s a joy to be out…

Up Your Game

Three Essential Tasks To Up Your Game You have looked at your closing ratio and thought: “I need to do better than this. But how?” Start by considering how well you do the three essential tasks to closing more sales: Prospect, Qualify and Follow-up. Prospect Look for those potential customers who resemble your best customers….

It Ain’t Over

It Ain’t Over As Yankee Catcher Yogi Berra once said, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.” Sales veterans have come to realize that if something can go wrong, it probably will (good ol’ “Murphy’s Law”). That means you should button up the sale, or “buyer’s remorse” may rear its ugly head. Don’t take anything for…


Are You a Great Prospector? Prospecting superstars don’t have some secret formula. And they don’t leave sales up to chance. They put effort into what they do. They give it their best try and they do a lot of things right. Here are some of the things they do: They willingly give referrals. They always get…

Plan for Success

Planning Is Everything Plan for success; don’t plan to fail. You have likely heard it said, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Or put another way by President Eisenhower, “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.” Whatever you are trying to do rarely works out as planned, but the process of planning prepares you for success. Who…