The First Work Day Of The Roaring 2020’s

It’s here!! The first business day of The Roaring 2020’s. How are you spending it? Hanging out with your associates comparing holiday stories? Staring glassy-eyed at your territory goals for 2020? Or getting to work on meeting those goals?

Begin the new year with resolve to be the best salesperson you can be
Time To Get To Work!
Image by Annalise Batista from Pixabay

Let’s Get To Work

It’s important to keep and build relationships within your company. So at the end of the business day enjoy some time with your associates. But when the customers are working, you should be selling.

Get out your “A list” of customers. Begin contacting them. Yes chat with them about their holidays to build rapport. And then get to selling by finding some pain:

  • Ask how the past year was for them and their company.
  • What are their personal and professional goals for 2020?
  • Discuss their corporate plans for 2020 looking for ways to help achieve the goals.
  • What changes will be happening at your company they should know about to benefit them.

Take out your prospecting “A list”. Ask for referrals to those your customer might know. Both within the customer’s company and at other prospective companies. Great salespeople know time is a precious commodity. You only get to spend each minute once then it is gone. They make efficient use of “customer time” by engaging in selling activities every workday.

Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever

We start each year full of optimism and hope. Business plans are in place. Well-nurtured customers continue to buy. Great salespeople are at the top of their game. They know even with the best plan, enthusiastic optimism and committed salesmanship, stuff happens. 2020 is an election year. How might that affect your customers? Consumer confidence is high. The economy is growing. Stock market indexes continue to climb. What could possibly go wrong? These are questions great salespeople continually ask. They gain knowledge to anticipate the stuff that can happen. And they are flexible enough to respond.

What You Can Do Right Now

  • Commit to make the best use of available selling time
  • Be focused on goal achieving activities
  • Become a critical self-manager driving yourself to be better each day

To learn more sales secrets see Chapter Eight, The Six-Step Sales Process, in Secrets of the Softer Side of Selling. For even more sales encouragement, join our FREE Sales Club! “See” you next week.

Good selling!
Don Crawford

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