Gratitude in Selling

I write this blog post during the holiday season in 2018. I was doing some of the odd jobs associated with life and thinking as I worked about how gratitude works.

Express Gratitude For The Victories And The Lessons Learned In Defeat
Express Gratitude For The Victories And The Lessons Learned In Defeat

Family and Gratitude

This year we again gathered with family and friends to celebrate gratitude around the Thanksgiving dinner table. Our tradition has been to have each of those present take a moment to express what they are particularly thankful for. To move away from the stock answers of “family”, “food” and “friendship,” our hostess asked us to choose a letter then use it to create our thankful comments. Reflecting on the Thanksgiving experience I occasionally think about a letter and reflect.

G is for Gratitude

The letter G came to mind the other day and “gratitude” popped into mind. I’ve lived a good life filled with many things to be thankful for and this day I thought of “G” and “gratitude” as it relates to my career in sales.

I’m Grateful for People I’ve Known

Over the years I’ve been blessed to work with people who kept me focused. In the companies I sold for there were mentors, leaders and colleagues who coached and taught me. With their help I became a successful salesman. I often reflect in gratitude to each of them by name and the specific skill I learned from them.

Gratitude is Easy When You Win

It’s easy to be grateful when I win business. The thrill of following the process to a successful conclusion, which provides work for the company I sold for, is gratifying. True in the world of selling the victories are soon replaced with the need to move on to the next one, but I’m grateful for those few moments of pleasure when someone says “job well done.”

I’m Grateful for Customers

Customer satisfaction is what drives me. When what the customer needs meshes nicely with what I offer, a sale is made. The key part of that transaction is the customer. My practice has been to say “thank you” often. I show gratitude for the privilege to meet with a customer. I thank them for answering questions throughout the selling process. I’m grateful and express it when they refer business to me. I enjoy the professional friendships with my customers.

It’s Harder to be Grateful When You Lose

Regrettably, not all sales pursuits end in victory. But even then I can be grateful. The lessons learned from the failed sales taught me how to be successful in future sales. By having a mutually beneficial respectful relationship with customer, they give me valuable feedback on the sale. Now, don’t misunderstand. While I can show gratitude in losing the sale, I’m not at all happy about that. But gaining knowledge through the loss is valuable and I can be grateful for the experience.

What You Can Do

So here is my request of you. Take time to reflect on your life. Personal, family and professional. How have you been blessed? How do you show gratitude?

I’m Grateful for You

Thank you for reading this blog post on Gratitude. If you have bought our book “Secrets of the Softer Side of Selling,” thank you. If you have read it and profited from it, I’m grateful I could contribute to your success. Would you like a copy of our book? Follow the link below.

To learn more sales secrets read Secrets of the Softer Side of Selling. For even more sales help, join our FREE Sales Club! “See” you next week.

Good selling!
Don Crawford


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