How to Make a Small Room Feel Bigger
The latest trend in homes is a downsized space, leading to a smaller environmental footprint and a more ecologically sound existence. But this can also create a cramped feeling for people who were used to larger spaces. For those who haven’t lived in a larger space before, it gives them the chance to be creative and try to evoke a little extra space visually through decorative elements. Let’s look at how to make a small room look bigger.
A few decorating tricks that can visually turn a cluttered room into a more spacious looking room.
How to Make a Small Room Feel Bigger
Illusion of Height
One way to make a room seem larger is to make it appear taller. Look for taller shelves or bookcases, hang artwork a little bit higher than normal, and look for furniture that is narrower but still the same height as the deeper pieces.
One great way to create an illusion of height in a room is to hang window treatments closer to the ceiling and then let the fabric hang all the way to the floor. Also, hang the drapes wider than the windows are so the entire window can be exposed. Along with this, make sure you have clean windows so more light can come in and the view is unrestricted.
Less is More
Adopt a less is more attitude when decorating. Too many things in a small room will make the room seem cluttered and will visually be disturbing and unsettling.
Keep collections to a minimum, look for large pieces of artwork to display as opposed to a large number of small ones. Keep functional areas clean and get in a habit of picking up clutter regularly.
Play with Paint
Painting walls the same or a similar shade as the furniture creates an illusion of harmony which gives some additional depth as the furniture tends to recede into the wall space.
Vertical stripes on the wall can also give an illusion of height and depth. Large painted stripes are best as they don’t add visual clutter.
A painted ceiling can also affect the visual size of a room. A ceiling that is too dark will make a room look smaller, a light ceiling will make it look larger. Adding a shiny finish will make it appear even larger. Rather than just selecting a gloss paint, try a pearlescent tone.
More Flooring
Keep the flooring bare to create a visual continuity and some depth. Adding a rug will break up the appearance and create a closed-in feeling.
Purchasing furniture that has legs as opposed to a dust ruffle lets the eye see more of the floor and also gives an appearance of more space.
Expanding the flooring from the small room to adjoining rooms also gives the illusion of more space.
Learning to live in a small space can take some adjusting, but for those who are willing to live with fewer accessories and well-selected furniture pieces, the size can become cozy and comforting. And with the proper decorating, the small room will seem much larger and more spacious than it really is.