4 Things You Can Do to Make Your Life Better
Last week, I had a chance to hang out with my cousin Rhea. She told me she wanted to quit her office job and start her own restaurant instead. She had an interesting concept that specializes in serving quick portable foods.
Rhea really is a very good cook and I believe that her food-to-go concept has the potential to become a hit. However, she was having some second thoughts about pursuing her plans because she didn’t have any formal education and culinary training.
I didn’t tell her what she should do as far as that went, but I did tell her I believe that it’s possible to do anything she wants if she puts her mind, heart and time in to it.
Life is hard, yes, but do you know what’s making it more complicated? Your thoughts – you, underestimating yourself and you thinking that you can’t be what you want to be because you lack resources and skills.
Bu you know what? I have some good news for you. There are actually certain mental changes that you can make, which require no specific skill or talent to get you closer to your dreams.
Believe That You Are Good Enough
Constantly seeking validation from others and not having confidence in your own abilities are crimes you commit against yourself. You are being mean and unfair to yourself when you refuse to recognize your own powers and when you deny yourself a chance to evolve and become better.
Before looking for validation anywhere else, seek it first within you. You don’t have to be a genius to believe that you are good enough. You just have to put yourself out there, stop with the negative self-talk once and for all and trust yourself.
In the piece “3 Habits That Can End Up Completely Ruining Your Relationship,” Alexis DiZenzo explains how you won’t see the best in someone else when you don’t see the best in yourself.
I totally agree with the writer. Your connections will be set for success when you are comfortable with your imperfections and happy with who you are.
Put Health at the Top of Your Priority List
You don’t need a 140 IQ score to achieve success with your health and fitness goals. All you have to do is focus on eating healthy, getting enough rest, and exercising regularly in order to be in the best shape you can.
To help you accomplish more in life by being fit, check this out – “3 Exercises That Will Make You a Better Entrepreneur.”
I believe that small changes like waking up a little earlier to get in a morning run, doing some burpee workouts, and stretch your muscles can make a big difference in your life. These simple exercises don’t only condition your body to have enough strength and energy for the day, but they also revitalize your mind and spirit by decreasing the production of stress hormones and relieving tension.
Plan Your Work & Work Your Plan
I used to have an officemate who was so hard working. I would always see her busy at her desk and she constantly logged overtime without getting paid for it. Sadly though, she still hasn’t been promoted yet.
Why do you think there are so many people like her that are unsuccessful? I think it’s because they do not know how to plan their work and work their plan. Your plan is your map to your goals. Essentially, you’ll get lost without it.
And again, you don’t need to have any special talent to know what you want and to take action to get it. What you need is discipline and determination. For instance, if your goal is to achieve financial freedom, you need to outline your steps and take the right actions to get there.
Writer Vladimir Zivanovic suggests doing these 5 tips if you’re planning to make yourself more financially stable.
Know Your Purpose
According to Mark Twain, “The most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” Knowing your purpose gives your life direction and meaning and drives you to keep on fighting.
It is basically your mission in this world. So, aside from being passionate about being your best self, it is also important to pursue something that is of higher value or something directed towards inspiring, helping and being of service to others.
You know you’re ready to step into your purpose, lead others and positively influence the world on larger scale when:
• You feel an inner call to freedom or the need make big changes in your life
• You finally understand why things happen the way they did
• You want to be out there to be of help to others in some way
Ladies, these actions don’t need any special tricks or certain level of expertise. All it takes is your willingness to make your life better and happier than it has ever been.
The worst thing that a person can do to sabotage themselves is to underestimate their own abilities and potential to succeed. I used to be one of those people myself. The power of your thoughts can really make or break you.
There is a big difference between asking for feedback and constantly searching for validation and many people confuse the two. Those who need others to constantly lift them up have confidence and self-esteem issues and those qualities aren’t really attractive.
I’ve been feeling something for months now. A time for change. I want to help people so I decided that I would start volunteering. I think we can all make the world a better place.
I so agree with this! When you are asking for feedback, you appreciate and consider the good and the bad. When you are looking for validation, you tend to get very defensive over the bad stuff. Constructive criticism can make you better at whatever it is that you do.
That Mark Twain quote is powerful. The day that you find out why you are here has to be one of the most important days indeed. In other words, you stop existing and start being purpose-driven.
I was one of those people too. I now know that I’m worthy and can do anything I set my mind to. I am a strong believer in positive sayings, quotes, etc. – these remind me that I can do anything.
I completely agree with you. The only thing that limits us in terms of achieving our goals is our own mind and thoughts. Henry Ford’s quote: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right” couldn’t be closer to the truth.
If you are lucky enough, you actually make that discovery! Too many people just, as you said, exist. Even when presented with a purpose, they shrink away from it out of fear or inaction. It’s such a shame because everyone should feel like they matter, and that they are an integral part of the universe.