Do What You Want In Life: Never Let Life’s Pressures Steer You In the Wrong Direction
I have said it many times before, and I will continue to say it: Starting your own business, working for yourself, building an empire, whatever you want to call it ladies, being your own boss is how you will materialize your dreams.
And I’m not just talking about getting gobs and gobs of money to buy stuff (although that is nice!). I’m talking about making something that you are proud of, that you love doing, and that lets you do ALL THE THINGS you want to do in life. It is possible, very, very possible.
Of course, hard work is required every step of the way, but you already knew that and aren’t even worried about it!
- The likelihood that you are going to achieve everything you have set out to in life by working for someone else is about as realistic as you winning the next big jackpot. Put together your freelance career with these helpful tips instead
- Think twice before deciding to buy a house when you read about why so many people are waking up from the American Dream of homeownership
- Before you do your taxes, find out how to get more money on your return if you make less than $50,000 a year
- And In case your filing status of single also applies to your current relationship status, take a look at these inspiring quotes that celebrate the invincible spirit of the single woman
Today is the day you start seriously putting the effort into building the life you want. If you haven’t yet explored the world of freelance work, then the piece, How to Become a Highly Paid Freelancer While Keeping Your Full-Time Job is for you.
Writer and entrepreneur Jeff Haden shares some great ideas on how you can best go about the process. First, you should start by identifying a niche. But don’t just pick something out of the air.
Instead, ask yourself what you are good at and what you might be better at if you had a little more education. And most importantly, what do you ACTUALLY want to do? This is not about just making extra money doing busywork, this is you building a foundation that will sustain your future awesomeness for the rest of your life.
The next step is to get specific with the details of your services because it is better to be really good at one thing than just OK at many things. It helps you to focus on your abilities and be realistic with them at the same time. Don’t ever feel or be pressured into thinking you have to do or be something you are not.
Like when it comes to buying a house just because some of your friends did and everyone and their mother is telling you how great it is. Only you can decide if the responsibility of owning a home is something you want to do. Also, it’s not exactly a small purchase.
What got me thinking about this was an article I read by entrepreneur Grant Cardone that discussed his belief that buying a house is for suckers. The main issue with the so-called “American Dream” is that it no longer has the appeal it once did.
For starters, you need to realize that buying a home is not the same as making an investment, even though lots of people would tell you otherwise.
Unless you are dead set on raising a family in a home or you want to try your hand at flipping one for a cool $50K, buying a home just does not make sense. Investing in yourself, however, makes a lot more sense and that’s the real dream you should focus on.
You can start by getting more money from your tax return!
Did you contribute to savings or retirement last year? You might qualify for an actual credit based on how much you put away.
How about dependents or children? Any cost of care you provided can qualify you for both deductions and credits. And if you earned below a certain amount depending on your filing status you might also be able to get the Earned Income Tax Credit as well.
It’s important to always stay in touch with who you are as a woman every day of the year. And don’t compromise who you are or what you want for anyone.
The right one will find YOU, and love you for exactly the woman you are.
I know who I am and I’m not letting anyone stop me from being who I am. I know I’m not one to go our on my own (career wise).
As a woman who wants to go their own her own way and forge her own career path, you have to ask yourself which one you love more……..Valentines Day or Tax Day. Seriously. An honest answer will let you know where your priorities lay.
Within the freelance article there is a link to an article showing how to calculate freelance rates. I found that to be very interesting, although I’m sure it would take an awful lot of work to get up to charging $70 an hour (their example in the article).
I love the inspirational quotes! Sometimes I just need a little push I look to quotes like these to keep me inspired and motivated to push my way through the muck.
I’m in the situation right now with everyone wanting me to buy a house. They all tell me that what I pay for rent is too much, but for me it is perfect. I don’t have the added stress of coming up with the money if something breaks or paying for property taxes every year.
Great tax tips! I didn’t used to put anything into savings, but now I’m in the habit of putting small amounts into my IRA. It reduces my tax bill and I get to watch my retirement savings grow.
Don’t let anyone else talk you into something that you are not ready for or quite frankly, don’t need. Stick to your guns. You know what is right for you.
It isn’t for everyone. If you are content with where you are professionally, there is nothing wrong with that. You are in a better place than the one’s who lied to themselves by saying that had what it takes to be their own boss…….yet didn’t and failed.
I agree with Kathl336. If you are comfortable renting, and it fits your lifestyle, then you should keep on doing it. Not everyone needs to be a homeowner. I know what all the money experts say, but if it isn’t right for you, then do what makes you comfortable.
The American dream is no longer what it used to be especially for single women. When you look at the baby boomers and realize that the population had not kept up with that trend, then you will realize there are going to be empty houses out there that can’t be sold. There simply aren’t enough people to buy them. Rent sounds like a waste of money, but for most of us, it’s the best way to go.
The 3 Great Tax Breaks article is so helpful. I have never started a retirement plan for myself since I have been working as a freelancer over the last few years. But getting paid to put money back for retirement is a great incentive to start. I had no idea the government even did this, but now that i do, I am definitely going to start my own retirement savings plan right away.