Organize Your Home Office Challenge

desktop clutter

No matter how big or small your home business office is,you’ll benefit from an organized space.

I am finally joining the challenge Lynn Terry challenged her Elite Forum Members to do in January.

Here is what Lynn said:

Whatever your space, both virtual and physical, it’s time to get things in order for productivity & efficiency!

Yes, that means BOTH desktops – your hard drive and your desk/space!

Let’s have some before pictures. You can take a screenshot of your desktop, and pictures of your workspace. And when you complete the challenge, pictures again!

I’ve talked about the mess on my computer desktop when I first started this blog: you can see a picture of my desktop above, taken in October last year. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look any better today, so I really need to work hard this month.

As for my office desk, I’d like to think it a little bit better: you can see it below:

computer desk mess

I am confident that 1 hour of attention will do wonders for this desk, so that’s the plan for tomorrow. The problem will be keeping it clean afterwards, as my husband is using this same desk when needed.

My bookshelf with DVDs is looking really good: probably because I don’t use it that often. Here is a peek at it:

bookshelf with DVDs

My biggest problems by far are my hard drive and email, but I’ve been working slowly on both of them. For example, in just 1 week, I went from over 1500 unread emails in my in-box to less than 900. The plan was to have it all cleared by tonight, and I know it’s not going to happen, but I am happy that I’ve made progress.

I also removed several GB of old “stuff” from my hard drive: not nearly enough, but a good first step. And that’s what’s really important: take small, consistent steps towards your goals.

If you are taking your business seriously, Lynn’s Elite Forum is one of the best places to get help. Give it a try. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know.

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