What Is Multi Masking & 3 Ways to Decide If It’s For You

What is multi masking? There’s a new spa trend right now, called multi-masking, which is a process of applying the correct mask to corresponding parts of your face. If you have oily skin in your t-zone but dry skin on your cheeks, then an oil-absorbing mask would be applied to your forehead, nose, and chin ( aka, the T-zone), while a moisturizing mask is applied to your cheeks, etc.

facial mask for beauty

Depending on what type of skin you have, the correct mask should apply.  As an esthetician, I can confidently attest that this trend works wonders and everyone can greatly benefit from it. As frivolous as it may seem, addressing all of one’s problem areas at once is a nice way to look crazy beautiful at the same time. No one really has just one skin type, so killing two, three, or four birds with one stone is the best way to go!

Multi-masking doesn’t just stop at the facial area, the eyes and lips can get treated as well, depending on your latest skin woe (and don’t forget the neck!). Performing these treatments at home can add up real quick unless you have the luxury of going to a spa…which adds up even more. But… you may find helpful items in your own pantry.

There are so many different ways to get a spa treatment and still be up to date on the latest beauty trend. As fashionable as multi-masking may be, is it for you? Don’t know? Then read on…

What Is Multi Masking And Should You Try It?

#1) Not All Masks Are Created Equal

Addressing all of your skin’s needs at once is great but is only a dream most of the time. Luckily dreams do come true, some of the time. A few companies understand how unappealing it is to have a gazillion masks sitting on your counter, so they’ve come up with kits that contain multiple masks for different types of skin conditions.

The idea of multi-masking addresses the problem and helps to fix individual needs, such as dull, blemished, aging, or acne-prone skin. It doesn’t take a chunk of money to throw down all at once, as DIY masks can work just as well.

#2) Figure Out Your Skin Type

Everyone has a skin type and although it might be difficult to find out what it is, there is something for you. Knowing what your skin type is the first step towards reaching your beauty goals and figuring out the best mask to use in order to solve your particular skin concern.

For starters, there are 4 main skin types, and depending on other factors, such as hormonal imbalances or aging, your skin likely has more than one type.


Normal skin has the least imperfections and is the most ideal for looking radiant and glowing. Although normal skin does come with its fair share of problems, for the most part, this skin type is flawless…or at least close to it.

Never confuse a normal skin type with skin concerns. Although normal skin is the least problematic, you may want to take preventative measures now to ensure that you address potential problems, like wrinkles and uneven skin, that could occur down the road.

An indicator of someone with normal skin is even, small pores, no severe sensitivities, and an even overall complexion.


If your skin is dry, then you must quench its thirst. It’s very easy to tell that your skin is dry because it will normally feel tight and well, dry. Aside from how it feels, visibly, your pores will appear nonexistent with very little elasticity (tightness) and will appear dull or ashy.

Many factors contribute to dry skin such as hormonal levels, aging, indoor heating, tanning, and even environmental changes. If your skin is dry, you’ll want to take special precautions to not make it dryer than it already is such as not taking hot showers or baths and limiting them to only once a day, utilizing very moisturizing agents, and wearing gloves when cleaning.

Bringing moisture back to dry skin is pretty simple but not as easy. With a bit of trial and error, you’ll find the right products for you. However, one thing’s for sure: you should avoid detergents like the plague. Detergents strip skin of its natural moisture barrier making your already parched skin even dryer.


This skin type produces the most oil and is the most prone to acne, blackheads, and large pores. The good news is that oily skin also tends to look the most youthful as a result of the natural protective barrier, however it can get pretty dull easily so don’t let its natural shine quality fool you. This skin type also tends to have a thick appearance to the complexion.

For oily skin, search for clay masks, which will suck up all the oil and dirt that’s embedded in the skin. 


If you have an oily T-zone and dry cheeks, then you have combination skin.  Although combination skin doesn’t have to be in this order, one of the main determinants is skin that has two, 3, or more types that are apparent. Although multi-masking works great for most people, those with combination skin will probably benefit the most from it.

Most of the time, combination skin can produce shiny skin, enlarged pores, and blackheads, making it even more tricky to treat. However, you may find multi-masking beneficial to you as a way to treat the various skin ailments that are bothering you.

#3) Wait! What About the Eyes & Lips?

Eyes and lips come with their own set of concerns. The skin around the eyes is much thinner than the skin on the rest of your face, which makes treating this delicate part of the face executed better with gentle hands. Lips have no oil glands so they are most prone to being dry.

Whichever is important to you, treating it will alleviate discomfort and will give you beautiful bright eyes and soft, supple lips, especially in weather that is sporadic or extreme.

Just like your face, your eyes are prone to blackheads, redness, circles, and sagging. This Gold eye treatment mask helps to fight crow’s feet, dark circles, and puffiness all at once.

If you treat your skin with care, it will love you back. Finding the right mask that will work for you begins with knowing your skin and what it needs. With multi-masking, you’ll be able to treat all those pesky problems all at once. Although it may take more effort, the benefits far outweigh it.

Do you multimask? At home, at a spa? What is your skin type? Tell us about your skin care regimen and how you’ve beat those annoying skin woes at once? Please share!

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